Packaging Best Practice
January 4, 2024
Follow the below guidelines to help ensure your equipment is not damaged during transit.
Visit for more information on packaging
different types of items.
Visit for more information on packaging
different types of items.
Choose the right box.
We do not recommend bags/envelopes for shipping equipment as they may be damaged during transit. If you are shipping a mobile device (tablet, phone) place it in the original packaging along with the shipping box. If you do not have the original packaging for the mobile device, ensure it is packed tightly and protected – we recommend loose mobile devices are wrapped in bubble wrap. You can double box for extra security.
Your shipping box should be sturdy enough to support your
equipment’s weight and large enough to accommodate cushioning
Your shipping box should be sturdy enough to support your
equipment’s weight and large enough to accommodate cushioning
Restrict product movement.
The correct placement and amount of cushioning is critical if you want your product to withstand events that can happen during shipping. Place the product in the middle of the box with ample cushioning on all sides. Use filler like crumpled newspaper or other cushioning material to keep your product from moving around.
Use materials made for shipping.
Using boxes and packing material made for shipments, and following the above guidelines, will help ensure your equipment is not harmed during transit. Shoe boxes, gift boxes, or even shipping mobile devices in the original packaging without another box, can lead to trouble down the line.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to us at
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to us at
Examples of how NOT to return products.
Please take a moment to examine the images provided below. These images will help you develop an understanding of various examples of improper packaging that could potentially harm or damage the product(s).